Monday, April 29, 2013

Global Warming

An Inconvenient Truth

The film An Inconvenient Truth which was directed by David Guggenheim, is based on Former United States Vice President Al Gore's attempt to publicly recognize and educate of the worldwide issue on global warming.  When this film was released, it was both highly praised and highly criticized.  While watching the documentary I thought to myself how it was very factual and informative, but I had to consider whether or not everything was true.  Also, several thoughts arose that I felt should be considered while watching the movie.  I remember years ago when Al Gore was running to be President of the United States, only to come up short behind George W. Bush Jr.  Therefore, I felt there was potential or the possibility of Al Gore's motive behind the construction of this film, was to gain public attention and set up another run towards presidency.  That may not truthfully be the case but it may be something to consider.  His motive could have been just to spread the awareness and seriousness of global warming and how us citizens can make an immediate change.

Global warming is more or less the radiation from the suns rays being trapped in the atmosphere, which is then making the atmosphere thicker as it is warming the earth.  As mentioned in the film, the more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, the higher the temperatures.  Roger Revelle was the first to measure the carbon dioxide levels in the earth's atmosphere.  According to, the burning of fossil fuels such as coal, gas, and oil can contribute to the high level of carbon dioxide as well as the higher temperatures in our atmosphere.  This 2006 film was awarded for Best Documentary.  The cite mentioned just above can be very useful in learning more about global warming, as well as the film itself.

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