Monday, April 29, 2013

Tree Hugging

Tree Hugging

On Friday April 26, 2012, I can say for the first time in my life that I have officially been tree hugging.  It was an experience that I was very unsure about at first, but will never forget.  Our class went to Tanglewood Nature Center, where the tree hugging went down.  This environmental activity was quite enjoyable and placed our class in a setting we may not be familiar with or use to.  Before we began the tree hugging, we partnered up and discussed the rules.  We started the activity by blindfolding our partners and taking them on a path to a tree to your knowledge only.  Then, the partner who is blindfolded would spend ten minutes with their tree, just getting familiarized with it so they can later identify the tree they were assigned.  After the ten minutes were up, everyone met at one central location and the blindfolds were removed; in which the students who were assigned a tree would try and retrace the steps they took and identify the tree they were assigned.

My partner for this activity was Alex Todd '13, aka 'Moose' and he incorrectly identified his tree the first time, but the second time he was successful.  I attempted to confuse Alex while walking him to a tree by walking in many different directions and occasionally stopping and spinning him around, which I'm assuming worked to perfection.  I was in the second group to be blindfolded and I was successful on the first attempt.  I concentrated on the direction in which I was facing, but that didn't really help as much as I would have liked.  This experience was memorable and pretty exciting as well.

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