Thursday, May 9, 2013

No Impact Man

The documentary film No Impact Man is about a man named Colin Beavan, who with his family contributes no impact towards our planets global warming.  This man pledges that he and his family will avoid producing any trash or using any electricity for a year.  He also states that they will only be traveling by foot or bicycle and will only be eating organic locally grown foods.  Colin and his family live in New York, which potentially made this task a lot harder.  The state of New York and primarily New York City take pride in their advancement and high usage rate of electronics.  With consistent traffic in the city and buses. taxis, and trains constantly available it must have made things difficult as the family used scooters and bicycles to get from place to place.

After living in today's world, it is bizarre to think about the past when technology was not as advanced or readily available to the public.  Cell phones weren't around, laptops didn't exist, and that is only some of it.  Today cell phones rule the world, so to speak.  You can look around at any given time, for the most part, and you will notice a large amount of people using there phones, ipods, some electronic device.  Imagine today going one day without your cell phone. Just one day and I can guarantee people will feel lost.  We rely on these things way too much today.  We are taking this these for granted and will never truly realize this until we have lost it all.

Throughout the film, you notice changes taking place within the family.  For example, the family must find new ways to entertain themselves, where they won't just be turning on the television or popping in their ipods.  They have learned a lot over the course of this year and besides just becoming more environmental friendly and not relying on technology as much, they have come closer together as a family.  This family made a statement and helped our planet and even made life changes of there own throughout this time.

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