Thursday, May 16, 2013

Avatar & Ecofeminism

Recently our class watched the movie Avatar and were told to relate the film to the concept of ecofeminism, whatever that may be.  Before beginning the film, I thought it would be beneficial to look up ecofeminism to help better compare the two.  According to Merriam-Websters Dictionary the term ecofeminism is a philosophical and political movement that applies feminist ideas to ecological concerns.  I further interpreted this term as a strong connection or relationship between women and nature.  This film is great for relating to nature as well as ecofeminism.

In the movie Avatar, the humans residing on planet Pandora are attempting to destroy whatever is necessary in order to get their hands on as much unobtainium as possible, which is worth a very large amount of money back on Earth.  It shows the humans are willing to destroy an entire planet in addition to whipping out the Na'vi people who live there.  The Na'vi population is very in touch with nature and that could be an understatement.  They have a strong connection with the animals, plants, and just the planet itself.  There world consists of a large network of lives and spirits which in the movie has explained as more advanced than the human brain.  The Na'vi people are spiritual and very in touch with their ancestors, primarily through a location that is referred to as Home Tree or the Tree of Souls.  It just so happens that Home Tree is located directly on top of the biggest unobtainium source on Pandora.  The Tree of Souls is the direct connection to Ewya, who is the goddess that created all living things.

This film emphasizes the connection between the Na'vi people and their bond with nature.  Throughout the film, Neytiri is attempting to teach Jake Sully the ways of the Na'vi people.  While doing so, it is easy for the viewers to understand the importance of nature and the environment.  At one point in the movie before Jake Sully met Neytiri, he was being attacked by violent dog-like creatures.  Neytiri came to his rescue by killing one of these creatures but was very disturbed after doing so.  Before killing the creature, she said a prayer in her native language which appeared to be some sort of sacrifice.  

When first arriving on Pandora, Jake Sully initially had the intentions of retrieving his legs back, as well as finishing what his brother had started.  But through his mindset had changed and he too became very connected with nature, the Na'vi people, and there spiritual way of life.  Neytiri helped Jake Sully see the network of energy that flows through all living things.

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