Monday, May 13, 2013

Liter Walk

For Professor Maluso's class we were instructed to walk around Elmira, relatively nearby the campus of EC and collect as much trash as possible.  Each group was given multiple trash bags and a very necessary pair of plastic gloves to protect our hands from whatever nonsense we may come across.  We traveled off campus and down towards the park a few blocks away where we accumulated a ton of trash.  In just that area alone we filled two bags completely to the top and in a very short period of time. We then went to the opposite side of campus where Maluso informed us we could find a disgusting amount of garbage, and we did.

As we were walking around picking up the trash around town, I had mixed emotions.  First of all, I felt like we were making the world a better place by cleaning up and making the town of Elmira as clean as can be.  Even though we spent almost two and a half hours out there picking up trash nonstop, I knew we were barely making an impact on the overall picture of how much trash was really out there.  It also bothered me how much liter we had seen.  I find it very ignorant for people to just throw their trash anywhere they so please.  This is the same planet that these individuals litering live in as well, how can you be so disrespectful to do that.  There are trash cans all over the place so why just throw it on the streets.  I guess it could be beneficial for a city like Elmira to place garbage cans along the streets to help with this issue.

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