Monday, May 13, 2013

Websites that suck!

In class we have been discussing the in's and out's of websites, such as what can help make a website good and what can make one not so good.  Also, to help get a better understanding of how to design our webpages or in this case how NOT to design them, we looked at others work on, which is full of many websites that you would not want to replicate.  This site truly lives up to its name.  I could not look at many of these sites for more than two minutes without inheriting a terrible headache or even just getting pissed off at the creators.

One of the websites I analyzed was for the Microsoft version of the iPod, called the Zune.  This website was one that really frustrated me as a user.  It was difficult to use and to really seemed more of like a maize.  I found myself scrolling around and clicking, while getting no where.  I did not find any information while on this webpage and to be honest, I lost interest while looking over this site and just wanted out! That probably isn't the vibe that websites are trying to give off when being viewed by the public.

Many of the sites I also looked at just had terrible color combinations and flashing lights everywhere.  It was almost as if the creators of these sites did not give any effort or thought about what was going on their site.  The first moment I glanced at any of these sites I immediately exited out and that is when my head started pounding.  It was just terribly unappealing to the eye and really fit the description of webpages that suck.

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