Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Scavenger Hunt

Our group began the scavenger hunt walking down a pathway in which no one else in the class had headed towards.  Within our first few steps of this pathway we came across a warning sign for rattlesnakes!  I particularly am not one who is very favorable of snakes whatsoever, better yet rattlesnakes.  I am thankful we actually hadn't come across any of these snakes or I quite possibly may have spent the remainder of the time at the nature center, sitting in the car where I knew I would be snake free.  While walking down this path we actually had a lot of success finding the objects needed.  Our next move was to go inside the Tanglewood museum where we found the remaining objects necessary to complete the hunt.  Overall this experience was enjoyable and what I would call a success.

Recently our class took part in a very interesting scavenger hunt over at the Tanglewood Nature Center.  We split into several groups and were each given a relatively lenghty list of objectives we were directed to locate and take pictures of.  When first glancing at the list of things we would need to find I felt it wouldn't be just an ordinary scavenger hunt, I had a feeling this one was going to be very difficult.  It turned out to be a lot of fun and not nearly as tough as I initially anticipated.  Luckily, when our class took part in this activity it was a beautiful day.

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