Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Food Inc.

In class we watched a documentary called Food Inc., directed by Robert Kenner and starring Eric Schlosser. As disturbing as I found this film, it really wasn't too much of a surprise for me because in a way I already knew a lot of this information. I had seen a different documentary that was very similar in   content. This film was particularly disgusting because it is all the truth! This is a behind the scene look at the food industry in the United States. This documentary was powerful in that fast food is eaten by so many people around the world who are clueless of what really goes on. I found it rather scary to think about how these animals are treated. It all just seems very unethical to me.

While watching the documentary, they talked about how a young child had died while on a family vacation because of a burger he ate. This particular burger was laced with a strain of e coli. The fact that the company didn't even give the family their condolences or their apologies. This film was very graphic and even though hard to watch at times, I definitely would recommend this to others.

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