Thursday, May 9, 2013


Fracking is an issue that is very unknown to many, but happens to be a very serious issue that all should be aware of.  This issue of fracking is happening all over our country.  Gas companies are attempting to locate natural gas or what can be called Shale Gas.  The marcellus shale contains natural gases.  In order to retrieve this gas, it is necessary to dig deep down into the earth's crust which is called fracking or the more official term would be hyrdaulic fracturing.  By digging into the earth's crust with drills, the breaking of the land and rocks within the ground allow the natural gases to extract.  During this procedure, the ground water gets contaminated with natural gas.

This can be very dangerous and many be feel should not be allowed.  Actually, in many communities across the United States fracking has been banned.  Fracking can contribute to contamination in areas of our country.  When fracking takes place, it can run up into the water sources such as lakes, ponds, and even well water.  With the use of these chemicals it is polluting the environment and becoming disturbances within communities.  It has been said that sometimes as people turn on their sinks or showers at their homes, fire is coming out rather than water.  For many obvious reasons you can understand how this would be extremely dangerous.  The process of fracking is dangerous, polluting our environment and beautiful communities, and simply just a disturbance.

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